Saturday, June 03, 2006

A Day in Kurume and Tons of Meat

Day 2 June 1, 2006Thursday

Today I woke up to Hiro-chan making stir fry for breakfast. As she cooked, Toshi played with grandma. They made blocks then went outside. She wanted to take him for a walk, but I was scared bajang (grandma) might not be able to handle him. Bajang is 91 years old. She still works in the garden everyday.

I went on a walk with bajang and Toshi. Normally she needs a stroller-like-cart to balance herself while she walks. Today she used Toshiユs toy car to push him and balance herself on. It was very cute. They love each other.

For breakfast we had stir fry, fresh seaweed, fresh spinach, and fresh radish and apples that Bajang grew. Hiroko and I (and Toshi) took a train to Kurume to spend family time. We went shopping. We ate at a raman store and occasionally stopped for bread. We spent a long time at a dollar store where Toshi played with bubbles.

After food and shopping, I went to an internet cafe while Hiro-chan took Toshi upstairs to a place I can only describe as a getaway for mothers. There is a big play area that is free as long as you are with your child. Toshi had so much fun playing with other kids. I posted some entries on my blog, but I could not get my pictures to post.

We came home and went out to eat with Hiro-chanユs mom and dad. When Toshi saw bajang he ran to her laughing. Hiokoユs parents took us to an expensive restaurant where we had meat, meat, and more meat. There was a salad bar where I had fresh pineapple and seaweed. After we made ourselves sick eating pork, beef, shrimp, chicken, and sausage barbecued in front of us, Naoko ordered intestine. I declined that last little bit of food.

It was good tho. I am amazed that everyone except Toshi ate more then me!! At home I showed Fukuko some of the features of her laptop and she said I could use it to resize my pictures in the future and save them on my external hard drive. Time for sleep!

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