I have decided to take the plunge and get involved in politics. I have decided to support
Ron Paul. At first I was impressed with his performance in the Republican Debates. I am very disillusioned with the Republican party. I thought Dr. Paul won all the debates and was a breath of fresh air.
As I have researched and listened to him more, I think he is spot on in the war on terror. I don't understand enough about taxes or economics to have an educated opinion on those issues, tho he does seem to make sense. However, I have felt uncomfortable about where the war on terror is taking us as far as our liberties are concerned.
It makes sense that you cannot go to war with a "tactic." After 5 years in Iraq, al qaeda is now in Iraq (where it wasn't before), is as strong as it was pre 9/11, and Iraq is now a hotbed for recruiting Muslim extremist from all sects. That massive failure has already cost us
close to half a trillion dollars.
We are borrowing that money from places like China to finance an operation that is giving our enemies strength.
It is a generational mess that I don't want my kids growing up and having to pay for or get involved in.
When you listen to what Ron Paul said before the war and during the war...he is spot on. When he talks about what the "war on terror" is doing to our constitutional Bill or Rights, I just yearn for him to be elected.
I am taking the plunge. I am getting involved. I will chronicle my political involvement on this blog.