Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas...and a lemon

Well, I have less then an hour left before Christmas is over, so I better post something. I am still learning how to do this. I have a ton of pics and vids just waiting for me to edit and add. I will say this, Christmas felt more like Easter then then any other holiday this year.

It was warm. Too warm. Spring warm. I didn't feel festive. We, Hiroko and I, did not exchange wrapped gifts. My ma, however, threw together a stunning Christmas-eve dinner. We ate with one of my brothers. She gave Toshi a really cool electronic piano.

Overall it was a good day and I should feel more "in the mood."--Hiro-chan and I got to spend time together and we had good food. I think I am not jovial because my brother's children were missed, the rest of the family is scattered, the sun was too warm, and I have seen too many pics of myself to deny that I have gained weight and seriously need to loose it.

In honor of my attitude, I present this LEMON. If you click it, I promise a funny lemon face.


Anonymous said...

Lee, this is so sweet!!!! How about helping me start a blog? Does this go to Japan also and what does gochu-jang mean?????

Leenis said...

I can help you with a blog. I will check with you later. This is on the web, and so it is accessible anywhere in the world.

Gochu-jang is a Korean paste made from Red Peppers and Garlic. It is very spicy and yummie!